October 4, 2017

Michigan FIRST LEGO League Qualifying Event Application Process (MI FLL Team Blast 2017.10)

Revised 10/07/17
Revised 10/09/17

Qualifying events will take place each Saturday, between November 4 and December 2, 2017.  There will be no Qualifying events over the Thanksgiving weekend.  Each FIRST LEGO League team in Michigan may participate in one Qualifying event.

The Michigan FIRST LEGO League Event Application period will take place October 10 through 17.

Teams must apply for an event, in order to be assigned to an event. The Michigan FIRST LEGO League Event Application will be via a Google Form (link below).  Each team must choose three different events, in order of preference.  Please apply early to improve your chance of getting your preferred event. Events in areas with large concentrations of teams tend to fill up very quickly. We will do our best to place teams in their preferred event, but we cannot guarantee a particular event or date.  Please consider that the teams at your event have had just as much time to work on the Challenge as you have. We cannot place everyone into a later event.

Michigan FIRST LEGO League Event Application Timing
Event application will open on October 10, 2017 at 6:00 a.m. Event application will close on October 17, 2017 at 10:00 p.m.
Team assignments will be posted on the morning of October 21, 2017.

The Michigan FIRST LEGO League Event Application is through this Google 

The link will not begin accepting applications until 6:00 am. October 10, 

Event Application Requirements
  • It is recommended that teams verify their team number, coach, assistant coach, and purchaser (if applicable) information in the team’s FIRST Dashboard, prior to beginning the Michigan FIRST LEGO League Event Application, as we will use this information to verify a team’s application.
  • The team must have a registered coach and assistant coach, who have both completed the screening.
  • The team must be registered and paid for the season.
  • The team must have a permanent team number (less than 201700000).
  • The coach, or their delegate, must submit the event application. The delegate must be the assistant coach or purchaser for the team, as listed in the team’s FIRST Dashboard.
  •  The team number, coach’s name, and coach’s email address, will be necessary to complete the Michigan FIRST LEGO League Event Application.  This is the information that will be provided to the Qualifying Tournament Director.
  •  Teams whose Michigan FIRST LEGO League Event Application does not match what is in the team’s FIRST Dashboard will have their application put on hold, which may cause them to not receive their preferred event.
  • The information in the team’s FIRST Dashboard must be accurate as of 8:00 p.m. on Monday, October 9.
  •  The team must submit an application through the Michigan FIRST LEGO League Event Application Google Form, in order to be placed into an event. 
  • Only one application will be accepted per team.
  • The team must provide three unique choices for events, in priority order, when they apply. Teams who do not provide three unique choices for events will have their application put on hold, which may cause them to not receive their preferred event. (Exception: Teams located in the Upper Peninsula need only provide two unique choices for events.) 

NOTE:  Because you are not applying for an event through the team’s FIRST Dashboard, your event assignment will NOT show up on your team’s FIRST Dashboard.  Event assignments will be posted to the FIRST in Michigan website. 

The team registration fee does not cover your event fee. Our event fee in 
Michigan is $75 per team.    Event registration fees are payable to the Qualifying event, and are usually paid when your team checks in on the day of the event. The Tournament Director of the event you are assigned to will provide you additional information on the payment process for your Qualifying event.

Some teams from each Qualifying event will subsequently be invited to attend a State Championship event. There is an additional $75 event fee per team for a State Championship event.

Michigan FIRST LEGO League Qualifying Event List 
A summary of the Qualifying events is below. More event details may be found on the FIRST website.
*Please note:  we are confirming one additional event in Livingston County for Saturday, November 18. 
For the latest list of events, please check the FIRST website.

Saturday, November 4
  • Copper Country Qualifier – Houghton, MI
  • RobotCat Rumble – Oxford, MI

Saturday, November 11
  • ThunderQuest – Sterling Heights, MI
  • Michigan Science Center Regional Qualifier – Detroit, MI
  • Lancer­Bot­Mania – Stevensville, MI

Saturday, November 18
  • LEGO Mania – Zeeland Allendale, MI
  • SharkFest – Troy, MI
  • Mission Possible – Monroe, MI
  • Downriver Robot Rescue 1 – Allen Park, MI
  • Grandville Robot Challenge – Grandville, MI
  • The Flying Toasters’ Rumble Crumble – South Lyon, MI
  • TBD – Livingston County, MI*  ElectroEagles Lego Extravaganza – Brighton, MI

Saturday, December 2
  • Armada Automation – Armada, MI
  • Movin’ U.P. – Sault Sainte Marie, MI
  • Nexteer Ready, Set, LEGO! – Freeland, MI
  • Robo­Battle of the Minds – Grand Rapids, MI
  • Downriver Robot Rescue 2 – Allen Park, MI

As you prepare for your event, please review all 2017 Michigan FIRST LEGO League email blasts on the FIRST in Michigan website: http://michiganfll.blogspot.com/ for important information.  Additional event-related information will be posted over the next few weeks.

IMPORTANT:  All Michigan FIRST LEGO League teams are expected to participate in a FIRST in Michigan competition event.  Any team that applies for and receives a Michigan grant, MUST participate in a FIRST in Michigan competition event, in order to meet the grant requirements.

Please address any questions about this process to michiganfll@gmail.com, and include “Michigan FIRST LEGO League Event Application Process Question” and your team number, in the Subject line of the email. 

Go Teams!

Pamela Williamson
Michigan FIRST LEGO League Partner