October 22, 2017

GM and FCA Foundation Rookie Team Grant - OPEN! (MI FLL Team Blast 2017.11)

To be considered a rookie team, the team must either be the first team in that program in your school/organization, or be an additional team above the highest number of teams in past seasons. 
  • Example:   XYZ Elementary School had 4 FIRST LEGO teams two years ago and 3 last year. This year they will have 5. The 5th team counts as a rookie team eligible for our incredible rookie grants.

Teams must be in the proper program to compete in Michigan events. In addition, to be eligible for our state and private grants the team must:
  • Register for the current season in the proper program
  • Be affiliated with a public or private school district or a youth enrichment 501c3 type of community organization (scouts, 4-H, etc.)
  • Must participate in an official event during the season (either a Qualifier in the fall, or another FIRST in Michigan event in the spring for teams that register late in the season)
Please read through the application information below, before you apply for a grant.  The link to the application is at the end of this document.

2017 Michigan FIRST LEGO League Rookie Team Grant Application
This grant is made available through generous donations from our sponsors:
     General Motors
     The FCA Foundation (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles)

Grant Parameters
This grant application form is for FIRST in Michigan Elementary School FIRST LEGO League rookie teams that are affiliated with a school or youth enrichment 501c3 type of organization.
Upon approval, the team will receive a single reimbursement check from FIRST in Michigan. The team's fiscal partner (school or 501c3 organization) should execute the parts purchase on behalf of the team. Grant checks cannot be made out to individuals.

1)         WHO MAY APPLY:
FIRST in Michigan aligned elementary school FIRST LEGO League team comprised entirely of elementary school team grade/age members only.  Elementary school grade designation is as defined by the local school district where your team is located.

Teams must be affiliated with and recognized by an entity such as a school (public, private, or home) or youth enrichment 501c3 type of community organization (scouts, 4-H, etc.). The intent is to have teams align with a sustainable entity for ongoing team support and to keep the reusable kit of parts "in play" year to year.The “Payee” name for the reimbursement check should be the team's fiscal partner (school, 501c3 organization) and not an individual. Grant checks cannot be remit to individuals. Payment to an individual, results in the grant being considered taxable income to the person receiving the funds which is not the sponsor's intent.

Multiple teams from one school/organization:
  • If your school/organization did not participate in the past, each of the teams you register this season may apply for a grant.
  • If your school/organization participated in FIRST LEGO League in the past, and the number of registered teams from your school/organization this season will exceed the highest number of teams registered in past seasons - the additional incremental teams may each apply for a grant.
EXAMPLE 1:  School/organization with 1 existing team which re-registers for 2017-18 season, 2 rookie (new) teams in that school/organization register for 2017-18 season, making 3 total.  The two new teams may apply for the rookie grants.

EXAMPLE 2:  School/organization with 1 existing team which does not re-register for 2017-18 season, 1 rookie (new) team in that school/organization registers for 2017-18 season.  The new team is not eligible for the rookie grants.

2)         WHEN TO APPLY:

All of the following must be completed before this grant application may be submitted:
  • The team is registered for the 2017 FIRST LEGO League HYDRO DYNAMICS season on the FIRST website: http://www.firstinspires.org
  • The team has received a permanent team number. Applications with temporary team numbers will not be processed.  Temporary team numbers are greater than 201700000.
  • Two Coaches have been identified and are working towards completing the team profile, electronically signing FIRST & FIRST in Michigan Consent/Release forms, and completing the Youth Protection Program (YPP) background screening process.  Applications without confirmed screened coaches will be put on hold, and not processed until the screening has been confirmed.

FIRST in Michigan FIRST LEGO League Rookie Team grants are reimbursement grants.  If it presents a hardship to the school/organization to front the money, email michiganfll@gmail.com to work out an alternate arrangement.

Teams must upload their LEGO Education Proof of Purchase confirmation for the Team Registration, Challenge set and EV3 Robot Kit as part of the grant application submission.
  • The LEGO Education Purchase confirmation may be provided as a pdf from the emailed confirmation sent to the individual that executed the initial kit of parts purchase on behalf of the team.
  • If payment is made by PO, the PO payment confirmation must also be provided as part of the file upload showing the PO paid in full.
  • Have document(s) in pdf format for uploading. File naming convention: LEGOEducation<Team Number>.pdf. Example: LEGOEducation12345.pdf.

Please have the following information ready to share. Ensure that the information in these fields is input accurately and conforms to formats accepted by mailing services. FIRST in Michigan will not verify this information. Any inaccuracies could result in delays or lost checks.
  • Payee name for reimbursement check (if applicable; team’s fiscal partner, cannot be an individual; max 40 Characters)
  • Mailing Name (max 40 characters; i.e. school/organization)
  • Mailing Address 1 (max 40 characters)
  • Mailing Address 2 (if needed, max 40 characters)
  • Mailing City (max 25 characters)
  • Mailing State (max 2 characters i.e. MI)
  • Mailing Zip (xxxxx or xxxxx-xxxx format)
  • ATTN First Name (optional; max 25 characters)
  • ATTN Last Name (optional; max 25 characters) 

3)         TERMS OF THE GRANT:

A team that receives a grant is required to build a robot from the kit of parts and participate in at least one official FIRST in Michigan FIRST LEGO League event during the 2017-2018 season.  

Grants are restricted for use in support of the receiving FIRST in Michigan Elementary School FIRST LEGO League team and their current FIRST LEGO League season related expenses.  Teams must keep record of how grant funds are used and be able to provide proof of fund usage upon request.

Grant recipients agree to recognize sponsors' support and agree to provide photos and stories of their season upon request. 

The reimbursement award amount could be adjusted lower based on the team’s submitted proof of purchase confirmation/receipt.  Purchasing significantly less equipment than recommended or not providing required receipts could result in a lesser award or a declined grant.

The FIRST LEGO League Team Number and FIRST LEGO League robot kit are reusable year to year. Acceptance of grant funds constitutes an agreement to sustain the team for at least 3 seasons. As grants are limited in number, FIRST in Michigan FIRST LEGO League retains the right to request a team's sustainability plan prior to approval.

If the team accepts a grant award and fails to comply with the terms and requirements of the grant, the team must return all equipment purchased with the grant to FIRST in Michigan or reimburse FIRST in Michigan for the full amount of the received grant. 
4)         TIMING:

Teams approved for a grant will receive the funds when the team's rookie status, team registration, and Coaches' screening completion are verified, and Challenge Set and kit of parts proof of purchase are received.  Grant applications will be reviewed on a bi-monthly basis.

The application form is currently open, and may be found here: https://goo.gl/forms/0Bgk3cu4by1YgnjK2

Please address any questions regarding this grant application process to michiganfll@gmail.com, and include the following in the email title: “MI FLL Rookie Grant Inquiry Team <Team number>”.  Example:  MI FLL Rookie Grant Inquiry Team 123456