August 6, 2017

2017-2018 FLL Season (MI FLL Team Blast 2017.03)

Welcome to the 2017-2018 FIRST LEGO League season;  Hydro Dynamics!  We are so excited about this year’s theme: Water – how we find, transport, use, or dispose of it. Students from all over the globe will make a splash with HYDRO DYNAMICS.
Season registration is open for all FIRST programs! Keep in mind that Michigan’s progression is different than the progression FIRST HQ’s:

FIRST LEGO League Jr.       K-3 only
FIRST LEGO League            Grade 4-end of elementary only, as defined by your school district
FIRST Tech Challenge          Middle School only, as defined by your school district
FIRST Robotics Competition High School only, as defined by your school district

Veterans retain their team numbers year to year so be sure to register with your old number. New (rookie) teams will be issued a number that will be used year after year. If you need a refresher of your team number or are curious if there is a team already at your school, visit our MI FLL Team List. For your students who have moved up to middle school, pass your EV3 kit down and gear up for middle school FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC)!  Contact Tammy Damrath at to learn about the amazing grants that are available to new teams.

We are planning 2017 FLL competitions now! Fill out this form to let us know whether you plan to participate so we can be sure to have a competition spot for you: Michigan FLL 2017 Team Form

Our grants this season are the best ever and make our kits nearly FREE to all new teams. Not only are public schools eligible for funding, but the State gave us a chunk of money for private schools too! Check them out here: FIRST in Michigan Program Overview. We’d like to see FIRST at every level in your district or organization and our grants make that possible.

To be eligible for any of our grants, teams must follow these simple parameters:
·         Register for the current season in the proper program
·         Be affiliated with a public or private school district or a 501C3 organization
·         Must participate in an official event during the season
·         Rookies must be either the first team in that program at your school or organization, or an additional team beyond the ones they‘ve had in the past.
o    Example:   XYZ Elementary School had 4 FIRST LEGO teams two years ago and 3 last year.This year they will have 5. The 5th team counts as a rookie team eligible for our incredible rookie grant!

Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.

Looking forward to a great FLL season!