October 9, 2012

MI FLL Team Blast #2 - Judging at Michigan Events & Qualifying Event Registration

Hello Teams!

We hope your robot and your project are coming along well.

Two quick items to be aware of:

Judging Changes at MI Events
In 2012, Michigan piloted two new judging tools: the Robot Design Executive Summary (RDES), and the Core Values poster.  Based on feedback from teams, judges and tournament directors, Michigan will NOT be using either the RDES or the Core Values poster at Michigan Qualifying or State Championship Events this year.

Qualifying Tournament Registration
Qualifying Tournament Registration is now open.  Please register as soon as possible, as two of our events are already full.  Event registration is through TRE, the Team Registration and Events site where you originally registered your team.  Please choose one event group, then choose your first choice event.  If you have difficulty registering, please confirm you have completely filled out your team registration information before asking for assistance.

Good luck teams!

Pamela Williamson
Michigan FLL Operational Partner