September 27, 2017

Michigan FIRST LEGO League MDE Grants Available! (MI FLL Team Blast 2017.08)

This grant will open for submission on Sept. 26th and close on Nov. 7th. The MDE will send information regarding the grant to school/district leadership including Level 5's. FIRST in Michigan will provide similar information to teams at all levels: FLL Jr/FLL/FTC/FRC. Visit for the RFP and sample spending plan. FAQs will be posted soon.

Key MDE Grant Dates*
September 14, 2017 - Grant RFP is announced via eblast memo to districts
September 26, 2017 - Application is live in MEGS+
September 27, 2017 - Technical Assistance Webinar at 1 p.m.**
November 6, 2017 -    Applications due at 11:59pm in MEGS+
November 8, 2017 -    Grant applications reviews
December 20, 2017 -  Awards made via SAMS

*All dates subject to change at the discretion of the MDE.

**The webinar URL is and the audio dial-in phone number is 1-888-808-6929, access code 8105360.

Important things to note:
  • Teams must be registered for the season before November 7 to be considered for the Michigan Department of Education FIRST LEGO League Grant. 
  • You are required to provide MDE with an electronic team roster.
  • Application is made by the school district's Level 5 employee (usually someone in finance) via the MEGS+ system.  A note has been e-blasted from the MDE to schools/districts about this grant.
  • A school district fills out ONE SINGLE application for all FIRST teams in the district (FRC, FTC, FLL, FLL Jr). Each team will have its own page under the district's single application. The spending plan which must be attached is a cumulative one encompassing all the teams in the district. Make sure your district knows about your team! 
  • IMPORTANT! Teams applying for the MDE State grant MUST state their team affiliation as "School" and select their school name from the dropdown list on their Team Profile on the Team Registration System (accessed via FIRST Account).  
  • Teams MUST follow the Michigan ages for programs, not the ages on the FIRST website​. More information on the Michigan FIRST Progression of Programs may be found here.
  • This grant is administered by the MDE, not FIRST or FIRST in Michigan.

Pamela Williamson
Michigan FIRST LEGO League Partner