November 17, 2015

Robot Design Executive Summary & Core Values Poster (MI FLL Team Blast 2015.13)

Hello Teams!

You may have seen something about a Robot Design Executive Summary, and a Core Values Poster.  Don’t panic!  The Robot Design Executive Summary (RDES), and the Core Values (CV) Poster are NOT needed for your FLL Qualifier.

The RDES and CV Poster WILL, however, be required if you advance to a Michigan State Championship Event.

Read more below, or download a summary document here.

November 2, 2015

Michigan 2015 FLL TrashTrek Competition Season Starts! (MI FLL Team Blast 2015.12)

Hello Teams!

Our 2015 FLL TrashTrek competition season officially starts this week!  We know you have been working hard, figuring out how to accomplish the robot game missions, practicing your project presentation, learning about teamwork, sharing, helping others, respect, and the FLL Core Values, and most importantly, having FUN!