Hello Teams!
It’s hard to believe there is one Qualifier competition week
left in the 2017 Michigan FIRST LEGO League season!
To confirm your Qualifier event assignment, please check the
2017 Michigan
Team List, which may be found on the Michigan FLL Teams
page on the FIRST in Michigan website.
To find details on the location of your event, please check
out the Michigan
FIRST LEGO League events list on the FIRST website. The tournament directors will also be sending
information directly to the teams scheduled to attend their events.
If the “Scheduled to Attend” column in the team list has ”0”
or “Spring Event- TBD”, you will be invited later to participate in a spring
event. Participation in a spring event qualifies
you to meet requirements for any grant you may have received from the MDE or
through FIRST or FIRST in Michigan. If
your team completed (paid) team registration on or after November 1, you may not be on the posted team list yet, and you will be invited to participate in a
spring event. The team list will be
updated with all paid and registered teams for the HYDRO DYNAMICS season, on Wednesday,
November 22.