September 26, 2011

Qualifying Tournament Registration

Registration for MI qualifying tournaments begins on October 9, 2011.  Qualifying tournament registration is done via, the same site where teams originally registered.  For more information, refer to the "Tournament Registration Process" document accessible on the "Michigan FLL>>How It Works" page of the MI FLL website.

September 20, 2011

NSF International and Food Factor

NSF International is interested in participating and supporting the FIRST LEGO League 2011 Challenge "Food Factor".  NSF has its headqarters in Ann Arbor Michigan and has extensive chemistry and microbiology laboratories.  They are involved in food safety, from farm to fork, through inspection, testing and certification.  Click on "Read more" to learn about their generous offer to teams!

September 16, 2011

Middle School FTC Pilot Program

FIRST in Michigan is piloting FTC for middle schools!  To jump-start the formation of middle school level FTC teams across the state, a very generous grant-based incentive package has been put together that will cover the team's registration fee, two competitions and an enhanced kit of parts.

September 8, 2011

FLL Rookie Mentor Camp

What: Rookie camp to get any first or second year FLL Team up and running.
Who: 1 coach and 1 student per team
Where: Clarkston High School
When: Saturday, September 10, 2011; 8:00 – 2:00 pm

Cost: $25.00
Register: go to
More Information:  FLL Rookie Mentor Camp flyer

September 2, 2011

FLL Challenge Released!

Log on to to learn about this year's challenge:  Food Factor!